Stephanie's crafting obsession

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Saturday, October 11, 2003
I'm still plugging away on Stornoway whenever I get the chance. I'm about 8 inches into the body, which isn't too bad. Once I get to 13 inches I get to start on the gussets.

I've been sucked into the koigu addiction. Ever since I started up on those ufo koigu socks I am reminded how much I really like this yarn. The colors are so great!! I had one other skein in my stash and it has great rainbow colors. I kept picturing a really open lacy scarf type thing (more decorative than for warmth, of course, but hey--this is San Diego)! So I picked a simple lace pattern and some big fat needles (US 17) and cast on last night. I think I like it.....I'll see how I feel as it progresses.

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