Stephanie's crafting obsession

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Saturday, November 19, 2005
The weekend. Right. There probably won't be a lot of weekend crafting going on in these parts since I'm working weekends now. I talked to the people at the temp agency where I was working while I was pregnant. They were kind enough to let me work weekends whenever there is work to be done. It's a good thing since I can get out of the house and make a little dough, and DH can spend some quality time with Henry. And actually this afternoon I was able to sneak in a bit of sock knitting at work while waiting for some tests to finish running. woot!

I need to stop at JoAnns on my way home tomorrow. I need fiberfill to finish Henry's stuffed Rudolph and red bias tape to finish my holiday apron for tie one on (which is extended through the end of the year btw, so you have plenty of time to get in on the fun)! Knitting--green and gold soaker, opal tiger socks, blue and white slipper socks. Thinking about--xmas socks for mom and Henry's stocking.

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