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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Henry had his 6-month well-baby doctor visit this morning. He is doing great and we got the green light to start him on solids!
(2) comments Tuesday, November 29, 2005
![]() ![]() Yesterday I saw this post by Larissa and decided that I had to knit Henry one of those baby gnomes. So I did a web search and found the free pattern here (oh how I love the internets). I whipped one up for Henry using my trusty Cascade 220 leftovers and polyfil (instead of wool batting). He seems to like it. Mainly, he likes eating the end of the hat. (2) comments Monday, November 28, 2005
![]() ![]() Yes, the Packers lost again yesterday. But Henry still loves his new Packer soaker. I used Cascade 220 in green and gold and this pattern (the adorable snowman blankie was a gift from Karen). (4) comments Sunday, November 27, 2005
![]() Lazy Sunday We had a very nice Thanksgiving. It was just the three of us (!!) at home and I cooked an easy meal (no sweet potatoes or anything for Henry--he hasn't started on solids yet). Friday morning I braved JoAnn's for their big sale. It wasn't too crowded and I got a few good deals (like cute flannel prints for 96 cents a yard)! Then I went in and worked all day since DH was off and was able to stay with H. Yesterday was work, grocery shop, migraine, sleep. Yuck. Today should be a nice lazy day with everyone at home--reading the paper (see pic), watching football. I may even do a bit of cleaning and sewing or knitting. Knitting Update. No knitting time at work over the past 2 days so I only managed to cast on my mom's Christmas socks (Lorna's Laces worsted) and knit about 5 rows of ribbing. I finished H's Green Bay Packers soaker and I just need to embroider a big "G" on the butt. I'm cruising along on H's Christmas stocking and I'm almost to the toe. Of course, DH did say something about H having a fancy stocking and the two of us having cheap store-bought ones.....we'll see if there's time. Maybe next year. (0) comments Thursday, November 24, 2005
(1) comments Wednesday, November 23, 2005
![]() It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... First, I finished my apron (click for big) for Nov/Dec tie one on (the theme was holiday). I found both of these fabrics at JoAnns and I thought they would be just perfect for my Christmas-cookie-baking-apron! Second, I started Henry's Christmas stocking! See my post and in-progress picture at the StockingAlong blog! ![]() (0) comments Tuesday, November 22, 2005
(6) comments Monday, November 21, 2005
![]() Two good things about working weekends 1. DH is starting to realize that my 'at home job' isn't such a piece of cake (and he doesn't even do the laundry, dishes, etc). Heh. 2. I can sometimes squeeze in some knitting time while tests are running and I finally finished the Opal Tiger socks that have been languishing since I returned from Wisconsin last month. These are a xmas gift for DH's cousin (for those keeping track I am now 3/7 on knit xmas gifts). (1) comments Saturday, November 19, 2005
The weekend. Right. There probably won't be a lot of weekend crafting going on in these parts since I'm working weekends now. I talked to the people at the temp agency where I was working while I was pregnant. They were kind enough to let me work weekends whenever there is work to be done. It's a good thing since I can get out of the house and make a little dough, and DH can spend some quality time with Henry. And actually this afternoon I was able to sneak in a bit of sock knitting at work while waiting for some tests to finish running. woot! I need to stop at JoAnns on my way home tomorrow. I need fiberfill to finish Henry's stuffed Rudolph and red bias tape to finish my holiday apron for tie one on (which is extended through the end of the year btw, so you have plenty of time to get in on the fun)! Knitting--green and gold soaker, opal tiger socks, blue and white slipper socks. Thinking about--xmas socks for mom and Henry's stocking. (0) comments Friday, November 18, 2005
It's 85 degrees here in San Diego and I'm wearing hand-knit wool socks. Do I have the air conditioning on? Nope. I'm still sick. Wah. I guess I should be thankful that I'm not at my mom's house right now. She said yesterday when she got up it was 5 degrees and there was 8 inches of snow on the ground! (0) comments Thursday, November 17, 2005
![]() Random Thursday
(1) comments Wednesday, November 16, 2005
![]() ![]() The good news is that I don't think I have mastitis. The bad news is that I have a nasty cold. And Henry and I are on our own for the entire week because DH (who gave me the cold, btw) is on a business trip. Wah. I did manage to finish two things yesterday, though. First, I sewed together this cute little Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer soft book for Henry. I bought the panel for about $4 at Walmart and just added some quilt batting that I had lying around. He seems to like it! I also finished the Green Bay Packers slipper socks for my dad. I used this pattern and one skein of woolease in butterscotch and one skein in hunter green. They work up really quickly cuz they are bulky (double-stranded woolease on US 8 needles) and they have a short cuff. These are really perfect for when you need a quick gift on a budget! Plus they are easy care. I'm planning on making another pair for my BIL in Dodger colors. (2) comments Tuesday, November 15, 2005
![]() Well, I went back and looked at the pics of Henry that I took yesterday (for our Christmas cards). I ended up finding one that I really liked so I went ahead and ordered some cards from snapfish. Phew. There's one thing I can cross off my to do list, and I didn't even have to haul H to Sears photo studio or anything. Here you see an example of a pic that will not be featured on this year's cards. Heh. (1) comments Monday, November 14, 2005
Gah. Today was one of those days. One of those days where I have a million things I want to get done, but I keep flitting from one thing to the next and I don't really accomplish much of anything. And then I feel uneasy. Like I'm trying to rush everything and doing everything poorly. Things I tried to work on today (but didn't finish): organizing sewing notions, sewing a Rudolph soft book, knitting slipper socks, Henry's baby book, Christmas gift photos in frames, a photo shoot for this year's Christmas cards. You get the idea. I ran out of chocolate. That is obviously the problem. Oh, and I think I'm getting a cold. or mastitis. or both. Like I said, gah. (0) comments Sunday, November 13, 2005
![]() I am really pleased with how this turned out. I used Lion Brand fun fur (white) and Lion Brand woolease (red, from my stash). (3) comments Saturday, November 12, 2005
(2) comments Friday, November 11, 2005
Happy Birthday to me! I'm not sure what the plan is for today. Originally DH was going to take the day off and watch Henry so I could have the day off. BUT, DH has a nasty cold so it looks like I will be 'working' today after all. Oh well, I will be hanging out with the super-cutest-sweetest baby in the universe! And I got some great gifts to play with (more on that tomorrow) and a bit of money--maybe I will do some online shopping. (2) comments Thursday, November 10, 2005
![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM! I have the greatest mom ever. Seriously. I am lucky and you should be jealous (don't worry, I have lots of other annoying and crazy relatives to even things out). I called her bright and early this morning to say happy birthday and make her open her present (nothing handmade this time).
Hope you have a great day, mom! (2) comments Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Hmmm. I am struggling with trying to figure out how much holiday knitting I can really get done this year. Babies can keep you very busy, so my knitting time is pretty limited! (like right now, Henry is taking a nap. but I want to blog and then take a shower. see, no knitting time) And since I'm staying home with the baby, money is limited as well. Sewing time is almost non-existent too. Partly because we have no space for me to haul out my sewing machine and accessories and it's almost impossible to find room to cut stuff out. Then there's the fact that the sewing machine is in the dining room and Henry usually naps in the living room so of course I don't want to run the machine and wake him up! I think I will take the easy way out and give framed Henry photos to a lot of the relatives. I have one pair of socks done (sister) and another pair is 75% complete (DH's cousin). I really want to knit a new pair of slipper socks for my mom since her favorite pair has holes. Then, my sister requested a pair of sewn Packer shorts (like some I made for myself) and my dad requested Packer socks (after he saw mine). Let's not forget that I simply must knit a santa hat and Christmas stocking for Henry. Uh, I better get to that shower so I can do some knitting during the next naptime! (1) comments Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Random Tuesday
(0) comments Sunday, November 06, 2005
Another meme....20 things about me (because I've just been knitting commissioned scarves so I don't have much to show you)
(1) comments Friday, November 04, 2005
![]() Because I don't have much to say, I'll do this knitting meme What is your all time favourite yarn to knit with? That's a tough one, but I'll say koigu. Your favourite needles? Crystal palace dpns, size 1 (I knit a lot of socks). The worst thing you've ever knit? A cardigan for my DH. It turned out way too big and ended up in the trash. Your most favourite knit pattern? (maybe you don't like wearing it...but it was the most fun to knit) Probably the Garden shawl from Fiddlesticks (of course, I haven't finished it yet...) Most valuable knitting technique? kitchener stitch. I love it and I'm not sure why so many people avoid it like the plague. Best knit book or magazine? My favorite magazine is Interweave Knits. I don't think I have a favorite just depends what I'm interested in at the time. Your favourite knit-a-long? Knitting on the Road knitalong Your favourite knitblogs? Knitorious The Blue Blog The Yarn Harlot Now Norma Knits Your favourite knitwear designer? Alice Starmore The knit item you wear the most? (how about a picture of it!) socks! (the ones above probably get the most wear of all. They are regia cotton plus) (1) comments Thursday, November 03, 2005
We're back from Wisconsin. We had a very nice time and Henry was very well-behaved during traveling (I'm not saying it was easy or fun, but he was a pretty darn good baby). I didn't get much knitting done at all. I have no idea why I brought so many projects with me because the only thing I worked on was the Opal Tiger socks. Nice and mindless and portable and they are about 75% complete. I'm happy to report that my mom loves all the wool socks that I make for her and she does indeed wear them. A lot. As a matter of fact, she still continues to wear her favorite pair even though the heels are blown out (must make her a new pair for Christmas). She seems to like the worsted weight socks the best since they are very warm and cushy for wearing around the house. Of course, the fact that I use superwash merino and she wears them around the house = blown out heels. Maybe I will try to knit the next pair on smaller needles. We did stop at a rummage sale and I got a bunch of great old knitting/craft/crochet magazines for 50 cents for the entire bag! Woo! (1) comments Tuesday, November 01, 2005
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